Develop npm packages locally with ease: explore symlinking, packaging, and third-party tools for smooth local testing.


Given 2 repos:

/redux # scoped package @twreporter/redux
/redux # the source code of @twreporter/redux

We want to develop @twreporter/redux and test it being used in twreporter-react at local.

Different Ways to Do This

Use npm link or yarn link to symlink the files of a module into the consumers node_modules folder.

This is the most common suggested way.

But it has some problems:

  1. Not like packages published with npm publish will only contain the files we specified. When compiling the files in @twreporter/redux, the compiler like Babel may take the closest config file (.babelrc) relative to the target.

  2. The require invoked in the @twreporter/redux will search the Node modules in /twreporter-npm-packages/packages/redux/node_modules, not twreporter-react/node_modules.

Pack the Package into Zipped File

As mentioned in this PR comment, we can use npm pack or yarn pack to pack the package.


Third Party Management Tools

As mentioned in this PR comment, we can use package like yalc to simulate a local npm registry.
